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Ham Rong Gr
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Ham Rong Gr base reconstruction

Ham Rong Gr

Cambrian, Ordovician

Age Interval: 
Late Cambrian-early Ordovician; Cm2-O1 hr (1, 2, 9, 11)

West Bac Bo, Viet Bac

Type Locality and Naming

Named after Ham Rong Bridge (Thanh Hoa Province). Lectostratotype: Nui Ban Hill (summit 80) Section near Ba Trieu Temple, Hoang Hoa District, Thanh Hoa Province (N= 19° 54'; E= 105°49'). Hypostratotype: along the Dai Lan Stream, from Lang Chieu Village to the Song Ma River side, Dien Lu Commune, Ba Thuoc District, Thanh Hoa Province (N= 20° 20'; E= 105° 10') (Pham Kim Ngan et al., 998). In the Viet Bo Basin, a lower Chang Pang Fm, and an upper Lutxia Fm have similar lithologic and paleontologic features as the Ham Rong "Fm" in West Bac Bo; therefore Tran Van Tri and Vu Khuc (2011; Geology and Earth Resources of Viet Nam) considered those to be formations within a generalized Ham Rong Gr (used here).

Synonym: Ham Rong Fm (West Bac Bo former usage). -Calcaires du Pont d'Ham-rong: Jacob C. 1921 (E-0); Saurin E. 1956 (£ -O). -H? tdng Ham Rdng: Pham Xu^n Anh ei ai 1989 (Di^p - £3); Vu IGiuc, Bui Phu My e( al. 1990 (Di?p - £3); Phgm Kim Ngdn 1991 (Di^p - £3); D§ VSn Chi el al 1992 (Di^p - £3); Nguy6n Dinh Hgp et al. 1993 (£3); Nguy6n VSn Hoanh e( al. 1994 (£3), 2001 (Ej-Oj); Luang H6ng Hur〇c et al. 1996 (83); Ph^im Kim Ngan et ai 1994, t995, 1996 (£3-0〇; Tong Duy Thanh et ai 1995, Tong Duy Thanh in Vu Khuc et ai 2000 (£3-0,); Tr^n Nuru D5n in Ph^m Kim Ng^n et ai 1998 (£2-〇t); Phgim Dinh Truong et al. 1999 (£3); Nguyln VSn Trufit et al. 1999 (£3); Ph^m Kim Ngan et al. 2000 (£2~〇i); Cong Hung et al. 2001 (82-〇i). -Tdng Bd Thuac: Nguy6n Tri Vdt et al. 1963 (£3); Ph^m Van Quang et ai 1973 (Di^p - 83). -Tang Ben Khi (part): Nguy6n Tri Vdt et al. 1963 (£r〇i)- -He tang Dong San (part.): Dovjikov A.E. et ai 1965 (£3 -O).-7V^叹 •认叩叩:Pkm Kim NgSn 1972, 1975, 1976, 1980,1982; Tiin VSn Trj 扨 a/. 1973, 1975, 1977, Tran Dang Tuylt et al. 1977; D$ag Trkn Qudn et al 1980; Tr4n NghTa ei al 1980. -Bi4p Bo Xinh (part.): Phaa San et al. 1974, 1978 (Sj-O)- -Di?p Dien Lu: Dinh Minh Mong et al. 1976 (£3). -Di4p Lang Vac: Dinh Minh Mong et at. 1976 (63). -Di^p Chang Pung: Pham Kim Ngan ei al. 1986 (£3); Lurong H6ng Huf(?c 1986,1987 (E3); Phan C\rTien et ai 1989 (£rOj).

Lithology and Thickness

[In Viet Bac - Upward succession of the Chong Pung Fm and the Lutxia Fm. See those for details.] Limestone: Characterized in West Bac Bo by carbonate beds, clearly distinguished from fine-grained terrigenous sediments of the underlying Song Ma Fm (Cm2 sm) and from the coarse-grained terrigenous sediments of the overlying Dong Son Fm (01 ds). Lectostratotype section is composed of two members, 320 m thick: (1). Greenish-grey thin-bedded dolomitic limestone, sandy limestone, about 150 m thick; containing trilobites Calvinella walcotti, Tsinania sp. and the brachiopod Billingsella tonkiniana in the lower part, and the trilobite Blountia sp. in the upper. (2). Dark grey, fine-grained, well bedded limestone interbedded with clay-chlorite shale, silty clay shale, 170 m thick; containing the brachiopod Billingsella sp. in the upper part. [For Viet Bac, see the individual entries for the lower Chang Pang Fm, and an upper Lutxia Fm.]

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Conformable upon the Song Ma Fm (Cm2 sni) in West Bac Bo. Conformable upon the Middle Cambrian Ha Giang Fm has been observed in the Vi Xuyen area of Viet Bac region.

Upper contact

Conformable under the Dong Son Fm (O1 ds) in West Bac Bo. It is covered unconformably by the basal conglomerate bed of the Si Ka Fm (Dl sk) in Viet Bac region.

Regional extent

Two narrow and discontinuous bands in NW-SE direction (Same extent as the underlying Son Ma Fm). First band extends from the Pha Din Pass (Lai Chau Province) to Ban Mo through Na Vien (Son La Province) through Laos to Quan Hoa, Ham Rong Bridge and Ba Trieu Temple (Thanh Hoa Province). Second band is from Co Ma, Chieng Dong (Son La Province) through Laos to Luong and Lo Rivers (Thanh Hoa) areas. [For Viet Bac, see the individual lower Chang Pang Fm, and an upper Lutxia Fm entries.]




Trilobites and brachiopods. Late Cambrian - Early Ordovician age of the Ham Rong Gr (West Bac Bo) has been determined on the following bases: 1) in the lower part of the formation late Middle Cambrian trilobites and oncolites have been found, such as: Anomocarina sp., Conokephdliana sp., So- lenoparia sp.; 2) in its middle part there are Late Cambrian trilobites, such as: Paracoosia man- suyit Damesella brevicaudata, Cyclolorenzella tonkinensis, Blackwelderia sp., Drepanura premesnilU Chuangiella sp., Pagodia sp., Tsinania sp., Proceratopyge sp. and the brachiopod Billingsella sp.; in its upper part - Early Ordovician conodonts Drepanodus sp., Oneotodus sp. and crinoids Ramunicrinus sp,, Tetragonocylicus sp. [For Viet Bac, see the individual lower Chang Pang Fm, and an upper Lutxia Fm entries.]


Latest-Middle Cambrian - Earliest Ordovician [Conformable below the Dong Son Fm of early Ordovician in West Bac Bo; For Viet Bac, see the individual lower Chang Pang Fm, and an upper Lutxia Fm entries.]

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Shallow marine, continental shelf facies

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Tran Van Tri and Vu Khuc (Editors; Geology and Earth Resources of Viet Nam, General Dept. of Geology and Minerals of Viet Nam; completed in Dec., 2011), with additional details from Tong-Dzuy Thanh and Vu Khuc (Editors; Stratigraphic Units of Viet Nam, 2nd edition; 2011; English edited by A. Boucot).